How It All Began... はじめ・・・

... In search of adventure! 

My first year as an ALT I was desperate to make the most of my time in Gunma and see as many things as time and money would allow. When I asked people what there was to do in Gunma, or what their recommendations were, I got the same depressing answer…

"Gunma has nothing special. Just cabbage and konyaku. There is nothing to do. It is so boring."

Great way to promote your prefecture and make people want to visit… (consequently Gunma Prefecture is ranked 47th out of 47 for tourism in Japan)

At first I was disappointed that I had been sent to such a boring place with nothing to do… but luckily my curiosity and desire for adventure helped me to form a plan.

Jomo Karuta!

Gunma’s very own version of the popular card game Karuta was created in 1947, and  includes famous places and people from around the prefecture.  Many schools in Gunma play this game, and there are even regional and prefecture tournaments each year to crown the Jomo Karuta Champion of Gunma!

With an ALT friend, I set out on an adventure - visit all the places in Jomo Karuta before leaving Japan.

A thousand wrong turns, and millions of photos later we discovered that Gunma, the land of cabbage and konyaku, was a treasure chest full of adventures, if only you took the time to look... 










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